After trying to figure out where I was going to go with the follow up to What's Happening To Our Black Men , I checked a few of my social media feeds and I found it. Health Care! Healthcare is a major topic that’s currently going on right now and I thought I’d give my take on it. So with that being said, let’s get into it shall we?!?!
My thoughts started me with Moses and the striking of the rock at the Waters of Meribah (Num 20). Now, quick summary. This passage is most known for the being the cause of Moses not being able to enter into the Promised Land. Within the first month of being in the wilderness, the people got upset with Moses because they had no food or water. They even ask him why would he bring them into the wilderness to die (v.4).They were almost ready to kill this man! At this point, Moses and his brother Aaron, manage to sneak away from the people. They had to go pray about it lol. God then tells Moses, “Take the staff, and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron, and TELL the rock before your eyes to yield its water. So you shall bring water out of the rock for them and give drink to the congregation and their cattle.” (v. 8). However, even with direct instructions FROM GOD, Moses still didn’t listen. Immediately after getting the people together, Moses goes off on them; calls them REBELS, then proceeds to HIT the rock that he was specifically told to SPEAK too.
Now skipping over to Chapter 21, after the death of Aaron and as they’re coming off of Mount Hor, the people again get upset with Moses and God. They still wanted to know why God had led them into the wilderness with no food or water. “Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many of the people of Israel died.” (v. 6). After this happened, the people started praying and asking God to make them go away. I guess you could say that God was “Big Mad” and the people were “Sorry”. LOL. But Moses prayed for them and God told him to take a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and anyone who was bitten would live. It was that story that made me think about the pharmaceutical business. A serpent wrapped around a pole. Just like with Eve in the garden, here we see this slippery, sneaky serpent causing more chaos. Only this time it’s with Moses and sickness. -INSERT- ...The symbol of medicine.
The symbol of medicine is 2 snakes wrapped around a rod, with a pair of wings placed directly behind it. Knowing that God may sometimes use sickness as a punishment, it is Satan who uses sickness as a means of suffering. In Luke 13, we read that Jesus healed a woman who had a “disabling spirit” and had been bound by the devil for 18 years. Disabling spirit. Disabling. Disabled. The U.S. Health Care system remains among the least efficient in the world, yet the U.S. Pharmaceutical market is the world’s most important national market. The United States holds over 45% of the global pharmaceutical market! It’s valued at over 446 billion dollars and we’re still one of the sickest countries in the world! And while all that may be quite interesting, I was still curious as to how Moses played a part in all of this. Well, peep this.
Located in the U.S. Capitol, is a marble relief portrait of Moses.On the Architect of the Capitol website, a government site might I add, they describe Moses as a “Hebrew prophet and lawgiver. Transformed a wandering people into a nation; received the Ten Commandments”. His profile hangs right in front of the speaker, watching over the entire room. Not only that, but there’s also a statue of the Ten Commandments at the US Supreme Court, as well as other state buildings.No wonder we aren’t getting anywhere, we’re still operating under the law of Moses! Might also help explain the disconnect between the young and the old in the church today; Even the U.S. Gov’t, despite it’s stance on the “separation of church and state”. But here’s why it isn’t working.
Jesus later explains in John 3: 14-15, that just as the Israelites were healed of their sickness by looking at the snake on the pole, all believers today can be saved from the sickness of sin by looking to Jesus’ death and resurrection. It wasn’t the snake on the pole that healed them, but the belief that God could heal them.
The snake has once again created nothing but chaos and confusion. It had infiltrated the minds the people and deceived the entire healthcare industry. Driven by money and profit, the sicker you become, the richer they get. “..for the love of money is the root of all evil.” Funny how that money thing keeps coming up huh? Now, I’m not saying that people should just stop taking their medicine. Definitely not the point I’m trying to make. But if you truly believe that God can and will heal you, then why are you stressing over the medical bills? How can you say that you’ve given it all to Him, if you’re still standing there waiting, micro-managing his every move.There have been significant studies that show how by just changing to a plant based diet, it can help prevent and even reverse some of the top killer diseases in the western society. Which made me think. Jesus once healed a blind man with nothing but dirt and spit. Healed a man by putting mud on his eyes. “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust”. He simply used the Earth to heal him. I mean, that is what we’re made out of right, the Earth? But I still had one question that hadn’t been answered yet.
Why was Moses punished for hitting the rock?
Which is going to carry me to my next topic…..Water.
Flint, Michigan., you’re up next.
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