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What's Happening To Our Black Men?

For the past few days, single mothers has been a topic that i’ve been hearing a lot about. It sparked my interest when I saw a tweet about it. The tweet was about a predominantly black youth department where 80% of the kids didn’t have a father present. It went on to ask “Why men traditionally gotta be awful?”, in which I replied, “If God hadn’t put Joseph into place, Mary would have been a single mother”. After doing a brief search of single black mothers, I found that over 72% of black children are born to single mothers. Immediately after reading that, my mind went back to the Amerikkka's Attack on the Black Community  post; Jesus more specifically. Remember how I explained how I thought the devil is operating in the United States Government?? Well…

Float with me on this.

We aren’t told much about Joseph in the scriptures, but we know that he was worthy enough to be handpicked to father the Son of God. It’s also interesting to note that he wasn’t mentioned until the time of Jesus’s birth, and later at the temple. There is mention of him taking the family to the Feast of the Passover every year. Which means he knew God. He was in charge of raising the Son of God! He taught and ministered to Jesus. But he never got the chance to see the fruit of all his sowing. There’s no more mention about him after the visit to the temple when Jesus was 12. Right before you become a TEENager. School-To-Prison Pipeline ring a bell??

However, while I was looking for more information on Joseph, I did come across a study that showed how the products in dollar stores, the food products more specifically (Chemicals Linked to Cancer; Birth Defects ), have higher levels of cancer causing chemicals in them. And where are the majority of these stores located? Low-income communities. Why? Simple. Population control and money is my guess. Two of the major leading causes of death in African-Americans are cancer and heart disease. What’s that have to do with anything you ask? Well, we know how big the pharmaceutical business is in America. However, given the rise of the legalization of marijuana, a drug with HUGE medicinal benefits, the real question should be, why are there still brothers in prison for selling something that  is now being broadly legalized??? . Money, money money smh.

I’ve stated how I believe that the Romans that were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus were under Satan’s control; the Children of Disobedience. Thinking back to Eve and how she was tempted in the garden with an apple (food) and the link between sickness and food, it started to make me realize something. Satan is still causing chaos through our women, food, and the future Kings of Tomorrow! How Tone? How did you come to that conclusion?? Well, pay attention, because this where it gets really interesting at.

Since the beginning of time, Satan has been doing nothing but terrorizing and causing chaos on earth. That’s essentially what his purpose is, to disrupt and confuse. But if you pay close attention to the fall of man; what sent the world into sin, it’s a key minor detail that I think most people overlook. Satan didn’t tempt Adam (the man), it was Eve who he went after. While Adam was off in the Garden doing God knows what, with God knows who, the snake was over there sneaking up on his woman. That’s interesting though, because we see that throughout the bible a lot actually. How the man succumbs to the persuasion of a woman. Being created from a man’s rib, the woman is literally a man’s weakness. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “He was doing alright until he got with her!”. Or, “when he get on he’ll leave yo a** for a white girl”. Makes a little more sense now huh? Breed the bloodline. Now, we know that Mary was informed that she was going to have a child by the Angel Gabriel. We also know that since God said that He would send His son to save the world, He couldn’t be both the Father and Son in the physical. If that were the case, there would have been no need for Jesus to come, right? This is where Joseph comes into play.

The Haitian Revolution proved what could happen when the people came together against the powers that be. But just like Jesus and the church, if you take out the Head of the household, than the body will follow. If you dismantle the family structure, then you won't ever have to worry about them causing any problems. Think about the school-to-prison pipeline and how it’s directly affecting and targeting the minority community; specifically the black males. There are preschoolers being suspended from school. PRE-SCHOOLERS!! They’ve stripped the school of disciplining children and turned it over to law enforcement. Instead of teaching them how to be better students, fathers, sons, husbands, and brothers, they’d rather build more prisons. Take away the male presence at home, and with no REAL father figure around, he turns to the brotherhood of the streets as a way to provide or bullied for being a “mama’s boy”. The struggle one has to go through after “serving his time” just to be a productive citizen again is ridiculous! And we all know nothing good will come of it. Starting to see the cycle?
The point that I’m trying to make is this. Could Satan be using the US Government to control and destroy our young Gods?   “For the love of money is the root of all evil”, and who controls the money? The pull of professional sports and the entertainment has brainwashed them into believing that that’s the only way out. Confined to go outside and be kids, they sit and play video games like Grand Theft Auto, then go outside and think they still have the controller in their hand. My high school basketball coach would always tell us that “Life isn’t like a Playstation, you can’t reset this!” Shoutout to Coach Russell! But if you take away the male figures like that, and leave only the female presence, then what? And since the single-mother is left alone, often needing help, grandma is usually next up in line, but she’s trying to enjoy her life. Not raise another set of kids! When all the other options runs dry, she turns to government assistance (daddy). Not even mentioning how much money is in the prison industry. Knowingly them food that will eventually make them sick or just flat out kill them, causing them to seek medical attention. We’re fighting for free healthcare, but that’s their number on money maker. But what’s worse is that with no health coverage or insurance, getting the money to pay for it causes another problem because you can’t get hired nor can you get a business loan start your own. It’s just all a part of the plan. Do you see what’s happening? The government is trying to be Joseph, only the bad version, the satanic version. The stepdad that none of the kids like. He wants to be the Father, but he’s NOT the Father. Powerful thing that money thing is. We’re being attacked and it’s as if we don’t even notice or care.

Maybe it’s time for us to stop leaning on step daddy “Joseph” and start seeking the REAL Father. Maybe it’s time for us to start investing in our own. Teaching, leading, guiding, SHOWING them how to Break The Chain.

“Train up a child in the way the he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

Just my thoughts and my opinion though. Yours?



  1. This is a great article and you hit some interesting "sub-topics". You made your point about the overall "topic" but I am ready for more.. you can branch off in so many other areas from this one article... I'm watching and waiting!!

    1. you know, I was thinking the same thing as I was typing this lol. I couldn't stop thinking about where i was going with it next. Tomorrow should be interesting though!! Thanks for the support!!

  2. Great read! I love how you make your connections and how you research everything you include in your blogs. I was actually just having a conversation with a coworker this morning about Adam and Eve and how the devil approached Eve. It wasn't in the same context as here, but I think it ads an interesting spin to our discussion I'm going to read this to her.

    1. You should let me know what she thought or tell her to come drop a comment lol. Adam and Eve end up being a point of reference for me a lot, just glad I could use them in a way that made sense. I appreciate the support!!


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