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God Don't Bless No Mess

In Chapter 2 of the Book of Judges, God had gotten fed up with the Children of Israel because they had been serving other gods. After Joshua died, Moses successor, being that they now had no leader, "and they forsook the Lord, and served Baal and Ashtaroth." (v. 13). Baal is just another name for Satan, and makes quite a few cameos in the Old Test. Ashtaroth was the goddess of sex/fertility from what I could gather. If you keep reading on, you'll see that God saved them four times, but they still continued to go back and serve the other gods. It upset God so much, in verse 23 says: "..therefore the Lord left those nations.". He LEFT them! But that was in the Old Testament, old news right? Well, here's what the Apostle Paul said:
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness  with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
2 Corinthians 6:14
 The answer to your question, in my opinion, is this. You'll always be unequally yoked with an unbeliever, simply because you two aren't pulling from the same power source. It's already an uphill battle because you're praying for strength from God, while they're consulting with whomever they're "higher power" may be. Jesus said in Mark 10:7-8 :
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two, but one flesh."
You're praying for God to either fix or bless the relationship, but He's only half-way in it! "You can't get a WHOLE blessing with a 50% off coupon". If you're praying to God for answers while they're praying to someone/thing different or not at all, there's no direction. You know how it is when you get orders to do the same task from 2 different people....and they're both the complete opposite? So you just stand there in a moment of confusion? Chaos. You're going right, they're going left. The yoke isn't equally balanced, because you're strength is coming from God, while theirs is coming from a god UNDER God.

You can not say that you believe in God but not believe in Jesus. You can't say that "Jesus is my homeboy", if you don't believe in the idea of the church. And if we can all agree that there is a God and He is the creator of all things, then why is religion such a big issue?  Yes, there were many other religions and gods/goddess before Christianity, but they were not of God. Could explain why the bible and Jesus teaches so heavily on worshiping false idols, adultery and sexual immorality?

However, I do believe that there are some people who are put together for a purpose- children mainly. Think of Mary and Joseph being placed together to raise Jesus. I always thought there was something about the father or mother, that maybe one had something the other didn't that God wanted to use. A certain trait or personality characteristic, maybe even a physical attribute. Then once God's purpose has been served and the child is created, the relationship starts to fade. The birth of a child is always a beautiful thing and a blessing, and I think that's why some people are placed together - for procreation, not everlasting relations.

There's simply just some things that God won't pour out his blessings on, and interfaith relationships is one of them. Relationships aren't easy and they require a lot of work. A LOT. But if God let the nations of people that would serve other gods and not Him, after saving them 4 times...How can you expect Him to do anything about your relationship issues, if you're the only one He's hearing from? Sometimes the best thing to do is to just step away from the situation and shoot yourself a quick reminder....

"I don't need this stress, because God don't bless no mess!!"



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