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AmeriKKKa's Attack on the Black Community

After hearing about the Philando Castile verdict, and given the current state that the United States is in, I was confused. Is this what really had come too? How has the African-American community fallen so low, as to be BLATANTLY MURDERED ON-CAMERA, and the killer still walk away? Where has the fight gone!? Baffled and confused myself, I went deep into prayer. I wanted some answers and with no solid black leadership to turn to, there was only one source I could think of. God. Now, this entry may be a little longer than most, but there’s some things that need to be said. HIS response to my question …..????

Float with me on this.

  • “Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.”

The path to my answer sent me directly to my bible. Jesus was the subject, the crucifixion was the key. The Romans (Europeans) crucified Jesus, by nailing Him to a cross and piercing him in his side. They HUNG him up on a WOODEN cross, and PIERCED him in his side. That’s the overall basis. Now here’s where my researching, studying and thoughts took me. Jesus was black and Satan is real, and working.

Frome 1882 - 1968, over 4,700 lynchings happened in the United States. Over 3,000 of those were black. During the same time, nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced into Congress, and only 3 passed the House. But we also know that the first “police patrol” , was a group sent out to round up slaves; Slave Patrol. They were essentially, slave control. That was a government program. No way they would pass any law that didn’t help the underlying goal. Lynchings eventually became a popular way for whites in the south to resolve any issues with the newly freed slaves living around them. They were affecting their businesses. They were affecting their money. Also something to note, the civil rights movement of the 1960s also saw a surge of KKK activity, including bombings of black schools and churches, as well as violence against black and white activists in the South.

Fast forward to the current state of Black America. It’s almost as if we’re just living in an up-to-date remix of the 1960’s. They’re still killing us, only with bullets, instead of trees and ropes. I remember first seeing the Mike Brown story on tv. I couldn’t believe that not only did they shoot and kill and black kid in the street, they left him there. Just laying there, as if he were roadkill; an animal. But not just him. Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Oscar Grant, Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, and many others. But most notable lately, Philando Castile. All killed at the hands of the police. Those protected by the same law that is meant to protect the people. Sworn to PROTECT and SERVE the people. Yet all we see is them protecting themselves while serving the black community bullets and settlement packages. Building more prisons instead of putting together a way to get the ones that are already in, out. Even with video footage, the police officers, the killers, murderers,  that are steady taking the lives, aren’t being held accountable for their actions. But why? Steadfast in my search for an answer, I continued to pray and get clarity on the matter. I was then led to: Jesus.

The Romans (Europeans) HATED the thought of the church, simply because it represented the very thing they tried to execute; Jesus Christ. They were doing everything they could to destroy the church. So they killed him. “Take out the head, the body follows”. If they killed the leader of the church, then they wouldn’t have to deal with any of it. The name Jim Crow ring a bell? To expand deeper on that, look at what happened to all the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement. They were all killed. All government related. Martin Luther King, Jr. John F. Kennedy. Malcolm X. Any and everyone that was actually causing an type of disturbance in the government, taken out.

Now, when the Romans crucified Jesus, they nailed him to a cross. They put a nail through both of his hands, and his feet. Then raised him up on a wooden cross to hang there. Pierced him in his side and drained the blood out of him, in front of the world to see. Sound familiar yet? Lynching? But focus on the piercing part. That’s what bullets do, don’t they? Pierce you? Again, they’re still killing us, just not hanging us from trees anymore. Now, here’s where things get REAL interesting.

Deeper in my prayer, Satan came up, and that’s when the KKK and the US government came to mind. We know that all life started in Africa; that’s the Motherland. Think with me on this. We know Satan to be the master of deceit; the author of confusion. With some deeper reading of bible, we also know that he has always been roaming the earth, stirring up problems since the beginning of time. He’s the reason the world is in sin; tempting Eve with the apple. He attacked man’s weakness, the woman. He used the woman to deceive the man!! We also know that he was granted power, by God, to rule over a certain people, the “Children of Disobedience”. But the bible doesn’t speak much about the POWER of Satan, but more about his TRICKS (deception, confusion, MENTAL ILLNESS)  -INSERT- ...Ku Klux Klan.

The KKK claim to be believers in Christ, yet they set fire to crosses. Hanging black folk from trees, hands and feet bound. The saying “If you can’t beat em, join em” comes to mind. So what does all of this mean? What am I trying to get at?

Jesus was Black and Satan is real, and working.

Satan also has power over some people's: “Children of Disobedience”. The ones who don’t obey. But the bible doesn’t speak much about the power of Satan, but more about his tricks. How he plays with the mind first. He tricked Adam and Eve with an apple. He attacked the woman first, the man’s weakness. Food. Think about the diet we eat. The pig is one of the most unhealthiest, dirtiest animals for us to eat. It’s filled with all types of toxins, fats, chemicals and bacteria that it can’t get rid of. Yet, it’s pushed in the black community. The devil is still killing us with food. The entertainment industry is ran by old white men, and look how black people are treated and portrayed in the media. Love & Hip Hop shows you that black people will someone disrespect and treat them any type of way just for a check. The Jim Crow era. Control the mind, control the body. The devil stays in your head. Deception. Confusion. When Jesus was tempted by him, he took him up on top of a mountain and offered him the entire world. “He sold his soul to the devil for a contract” makes a lot more sense now. But money can’t always get you what you want, isn’t that right Donald Trump? Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make the emptiness seem less empty. A false, temporary feeling. Could explain why some the poorest people are some of the most happiest people you’ll ever meet. They know what life's REALLY all about. After all, if money makes the world go round, and clearly America is nothing but a business. And we know Satan is the evil behind it all……..

Sickness, financial hardships, mental illness, death. The oppression of black people. The killing, lynching, shooting of today’s black youth, all in my opinion can be linked directly to biblical times. They’ve taken not only our religion, but our leader as well, and claimed Him to be there own. They’re using the very thing that can save us to oppress us...Jesus. Our young black Kings have lost their connection to the source. Isn’t it amazing how there are no more prominent black leaders in today's society, yet social media is flourishing? The Civil Rights movement stopped because all of our leaders had been taken out. But this generation is no longer standing for that. We’ve been pushed right into place: the Media.  Jesus was the King of social media!! To put that in perspective:

Today, they’re shooting and killing us in the street with cameras rolling and multiple witnesses, and leaving the body to lay there for hours.  Before, they were hanging us from trees. Hands and feet tied, some times lit on fire. But they nailed Jesus to a wooden cross and pierced him in his side so that he could bleed out....out on a hill for the entire crowd to see and know what happened.

Now imagine explaining THAT in only 140 characters.



  1. Well, well..I'm impressed!! I love the topic you chose.. It made me think and reflect on our purpose here as African Americans.. but reading it also gave me a hint of hope.. keep up the Good Work! -Shaqualla

    1. Thanks Shaq!! That means a lot to me!! I'm glad it meant something to you. Hopefully I can get it out so it will help someone else.

  2. The depth, history and connections were an aha moment for me. Thank you Comfy.

    1. No problem! Just glad I could bring some clarification together!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!!


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