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Serve The Meal

Have you ever had a long day? I mean, one of those “been up for 10 hours on my feet” type of days. When you stop and get food, but it’s still on the counter the morning after because you were too tired to eat it? Yea….you know what I’m talking about. So you rush to the bed. Your sweet king sized, pillow topped, overflowing with pillows, bed. Your comfort zone. Because after a long, hard day, that’s all you really want. Fall down face first, clothes and shoes still intact, you realize you need to get up. Shower or simply changing would suffice. You just need to get….comfortable.

You muster up the strength to get up and get in the shower. After pulling a 10 hour shift, you just want to shower, change clothes and get in the bed!! As you’re putting on your bed clothes, you just start to think about the day you’ve had and everything that happened. Then those events may lead to thoughts about everything you have to do tomorrow or make plans for. Next thing you know you find yourself stressed out and worried about things you really shouldn’t even be thinking about. After you’re finally able to lay down, you just can’t seem to get comfortable. After that day you’ve had, you thought that the bed, your main place of comfort, would be the last of things to let you down! I personally suffer from chronic back pain.I tend to “TOSS & TURN” a lot. It’s hard for me to get into a comfortable position when i sleep. I usually end up sleeping in one spot lol. I have to find a position my body responds well too, and when i do, i stick with it. I’m not a wild sleeper at all, but I have to keep MOVING and RE-POSITIONING myself to get comfortable….See where I’m going with this?

That’s life in a nutshell. It’s all about getting comfortable. Fighting through the discomfort. See, I’ve been through quite a bit in the past few years. A lot of, “uncomfortable” moments. Bad decisions, mistakes, regrets, things that I wish I could take back….but that truth is, I can’t. Life is going to put you in a lot of uncomfortable positions. Take my back pain for example. I know that if I lay in a certain position, my back with either hurt more or less. I also know, that if i continue to lay in a position that causes me more pain, I have no one to blame but myself! Why stay in a position (relationship, friendship, situation) that causes you more pain than joy? The TOSSING (out dead-weight friends, dead-end job, relationships) and TURNING ( maturity, growth, personal development) is what helps us get COMFORTABLE!!! Gen. 43:31 - “Then he washed his face and came out; and he controlled himself and said, “Serve the meal”

Told you the shower was important didn’t I??

The hardest lesson I’ve had to learn, and still learning, is to let the past be the past. You can’t change what’s already happened. Let it go, take what was meant to be learned from it and MOVE ON!! Yea, so what you committed those crimes. May have even been in jail a few times, had a child before you received a diploma. But that’s part of getting comfortable. That’s just the bed, not the coffin, he had picked out for you to lay in. I’m not saying forget it. No. But use it as a lesson rather than an excuse. In order to get to the future, you have to let the past do it’s own thing. Wash off the dirt of today or else it’ll turn into crust tomorrow.

So after your long, tiresome and hard day. When you’ve gotten yourself together after drying yourself off from your shower. After you’ve washed off all of today's shortcomings and life's “Tough Love” lessons. As you get into your bed..your relaxing..refocusing..resting…….comfort place and find yourself starting to TOSS & TURN….just take a deep breath, get control of yourself and simply say…..

………“Serve The Meal”



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