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Why I Started A GoFundme: #ComfyRoadToJournalism

A little transparency here.

As a gift from my father on Christmas last year, he gave me his jar full of coins that he's accumulated throughout the year. A very generous gift, however, it wasn't as easy to get as it may sound. When I went to go pick up the jar, there was a brief discussion between him and I before the interchange, which got a little unruly (Which I take full responsibility for).  Essentially, he didn't believe that I was going to use the money to buy a camera. I couldn't really fault him though, because given all of my past failed adventures and flat out bad decisions, how could he trust me now? Why was this time any different than any of the other ideas I thought was going to work? In middle school, I joined the band, which ended up meaning I needed an instrument. He bought me a trumpet. That only lasted a couple of years, but the thought of learning how to play again comes up every time I hear one in a song. Looking back on it now, between the trumpet, the car wash, his business, you really do start to agree with his point of view. Before now, history will show you that I, have an issue finishing what I start.

Now, I know that may sound a little shocking, especially given that this is about a GoFundme. But it's the truth. It's also, the PAST.

Photo Cred: Toni Green's Custom Creations
One of my biggest issues that I have, is taking on entirely too much for me to handle. Having been told, "No", so many times, I don't want people to feel that. It's hard being rejected or having something that you really needed to happen, fall through. So when my help is needed, I do my best to help as  much as I can. I was stretching myself, spreading myself too thin as the old folk would say. But when you have no focus; no precise set of directions on the map of life to follow, you tend to just float wherever the wind blows you. "Get in where you fit in".

Up until June of this year, I didn't really know what I wanted to do; WHO I wanted to be. At one point I wanted to start the car wash back up, just because I needed a job. When that didn't work out, I started working back in construction. Thought I was going to take over the family business in that, but nope. I'll explain all of that on Monday. I was taking whatever avenue that was going to stop me from being BROKE! lol. But my heart wasn't in any of it, which is why I couldn't finish it. I couldn't focus on any of that, because my focus was somewhere else. Just like a camera can be at times, my focus was off. Focus.

I just wanted to write this to go along with the theComfyMisfit: Road To Journalism Campaign page. Also, I was asked about starting an online newspaper. Upon deciding to start running a few of my own articles on the site, I asked if anyone would be interested in creating some content for it. A young brother from Roxboro responded with interest, and even drafted me up a sample piece. Which got me to thinking; Why not use this platform as a way for the youth to share their thoughts and wants? If we're all so worried about the youth, why aren't we listening to them? Could it be they feel as if what's the point in listening to you, if you never hear what I have to say? How can you tell me how to fix my problem, if you're only looking at the solution from your point of view? So not only will this help theComfyMisfit , but it could also inspire and motivate the youth to actually #PutTheGunsDown and #PickAPenUp . With the right instruction and support behind it, possibly even start our own community newspaper!!

Again, I just wanted to share that with you all. I appreciate your support and taking time out to visit and read this blog. This is something I really want to do. I've finally found my lane, and this time, I'm staying in it!

Be blessed



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