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Step One: How Can We Start Bridging the Generational Gap? A Lesson from Paul vs Peter

Back when I was in middle school, my sisters and I would stay at my cousin Willie Meta's house during the day while the parents were at work. I miss those summers. Playing out in the yard with my cousins and the rest of the neighborhood crew. We would walk to the store, get a few hot dog's, then turn right around and venture back down the massive hill when had to climb to get there, literally. But it was the summer time. We were just kids being kids. Not stirring up any trouble though, except the occasional dirt spot we may have caused due to a game of kickball or hide and seek, but that's it. Willie didn't too much care about us being in the yard playing, she was from the old school. They basically ate, slept, and worked outside lol. But she would always say something that I would never forget after telling us to do something that we saw her do differently: "Do as I say, not as I do." I think that statement perfectly describes the disconnect between the older generation and the younger generation - the "millennials".

Float with me on this.

In the book of Galatians, Paul is writing a letter to the churches of Galatia to counter those that were teaching, that in order to be accepted by God, they must be circumcised. Paul had already been preaching the gospel to these churches, and he couldn't believe that they were beginning to turn to "another gospel" (v.6). He goes on to tell them that, there are some who want to "distort" the gospel and cause them nothing but trouble, and that even if an angel came down from heaven and taught a different doctrine than what has already been taught, that he should be cursed. Paul was letting them know that he wasn't seeking man's approval, nor was he aiming to please them, for if he were, then he would not be serving Christ (v. 10). He also informed them that the gospel he was preaching, was neither taught nor given to him by any man, but by a revelation of Jesus Christ (v. 12)

Now it's at this point Paul began to remind the people of his past life in Judaism and how he once was going around killing Christians (v. 13-16). Remember, it wasn't until after the incident on the way to Damascus, that Saul began to be known as Paul. It was also Saul who watched and approved the stoning of Stephen (Acts 8:1). Paul was a scholar; an intellect! He was moving up in the ranks. He had a passion and drive like none other. He gave with his HEART. Paul was committed to what he believed in, even if that meant being killed for it. God was using Judaism as a building block for His greater purpose, and I think that's why I can relate so much to Paul. It's Paul's writings, his story, the wisdom , knowledge, and intellect of the teachings of Jesus Christ that have me so in tuned with things I write. 

Now, after Jesus reveals himself to Paul, he doesn't go consult with anyone about his purpose. He left. He went away for three years, then came back. Then, after three more years, he went up to visit Peter and he stayed with him for fifteen days. However, James was the only apostle there, he decided to leave again and went to the churches in Judea. At this point, Paul is still an unknown person in the church. They were just saying, "He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." And they glorified God because of it. (v. 15-24).

To sum up chapter 2 , Paul had a revelation to go up to Jerusalem to meet with who seemed to be the "Pillars of Apostleship" as I would call them. James, Peter, and John. *note- It was Peter who gave the sermon on the Day of Pentecost.  He was going to make sure that the gospel he had been preaching to the Gentiles was correct, and that he wasn't doing it in vain. Along the way, he takes Barnabas and Titus for the ride. It's important to note that Titus was there. Titus was a Gentile and Paul wanted to see if the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem ,"The Pillars", were going to make Titus practice different rituals of the Jewish faith, like circumcision. But they didn't. They welcomed him as a brother a fellow disciple of Jesus. 

When the people saw the same power that was behind Peter's ministry, was the same behind Paul's, they extended to him the right hand of fellowship. Yet, the only thing that they asked of him, was to remember the poor, the very thing he was eager to do. Paul was using that situation to show the Galatians confirmation, that even though they were Gentiles, they didn't need to adopt Jewish customs to follow Christ. Now, Peter.

In chapter 2, v.11-14, there's a slight altercation between Paul and Peter. Peter had came up to visit while he was in Antioch, and at that time, it was against Jewish law to fellowship with Gentile Christians. But Peter was breaking bread with them anyway, until a another group of Jews came around. He got nervous. He didn't want to be seen with them, so he pulled himself back. And not only him, but when others saw him doing it, they followed his lead-even Barnabas. Barnabas was Paul's homeboy. When Paul saw that Peter was still following the law, instead of Christ, he called him out on it - in front of EVERYONE. How you can teach one thing and do another? That was the entire purpose of Titus coming along!

The book of Galatians could be best explained with the phrase: "Out with the Old, In with the New." Paul was the new guy coming in; he hadn't yet been accepted by the church yet. So for fourteen years after accepting his call, he preached the gospel. Gaining experience and growing in knowledge. Peter, however, was already established as a majorly recognized leader of the early church. But at one point, Peter's behavior had become so hypocritical of the gospel, that the people had began to question it, and it took the boldness of the young apostle Paul, to check him. Jesus had been sent to eradicate all of the man made laws and traditions that had been previously established before him. Jesus Christ WAS the law. Peter was preaching Christ, but following the instructions of the Law.

How can we teach our young black men how to grow up and become a strong black men, when the leadership needs leadership? How can we expect for them to know how to treat a woman, if after we tell them what to do, we do the complete opposite? Why do we expect for the killing, violence, and senseless acts of crime to stop, when that's all we talk about about? Why is it, that the one's who are supposed to be leading and guiding us, can tell us how to live right but show us how to live wrong? My guess? Fear.

I know a lot of older people who simply have no hope in the future, or in our youth. They've become so accustomed to the way things "used" to be or "it's always been like that", the old way of things, that change doesn't come easy. It makes them uncomfortable. They no longer share the lessons and inner workings of life they've experienced along they way. But you can only correct a test so many times, before running out of wrong answers to find. Maybe it's time for a new test. I think it's time we take the teachers back to school for a "Generational Gap Filler Refreshment Course". 

We, The Millennials, have had our eyes on you Boomers. We've been listening to what you've been saying, and we've also been watching what you've been doing, and there has been an abrupt change of pace. Maybe it's time you start listening to the young brother, who may not be put together in the most professional manner, but his message is touching the souls of the youth who's tears you won't even wipe. Doesn't mean you can teach him how to be. Or to the young lady who you tell to follow her dreams, yet try and force her into a field you deem suitable for her, because her dreams are saving animals instead of chasing checks. Maybe if we would start practicing what we preach, it wouldn't be so much difficulty getting a line of communication started.

"Whenever anyone presumes to speak for God, twists, subverts, or misrepresents Gods Word - either by words or by actions - that one should be confronted, exposed, and corrected, always in love; at times in firm, bold love."

How about we try that?



  1. Great post!! Very interesting and eye-opening. You are truly blessed with the ability to teach the world a different outlook on life through the teachings of Christ. Look forward to learning more!


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