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Showing posts from June, 2017

The Roaring 20s - Trump's Chicago the wake of what's happening in #chicago ...ima drop this today There was an article published by The Courier-Times newspaper back in May that caught my attention. It was on the front page of the “Living in Person” section, with the headline: “Students Experience Roaring 20s”. Local homeschoolers had put on show bringing the 1920s “back to life”. Also on the front page, was a picture of a group of kids; all “dressed to the nines as flappers and mobsters.” Machine Gun Kelly, Al Capone, Eliot Ness and Coco Chanel, just to name a few. The article begins by stating that: “It was the era of gangsters, Prohibition, and all that glitters.” It then goes on to tell us about the invention of the juicer. Which they even demonstrated by making lemonade. The students were taught about the art deco style, choosing a “celebrity” of the era and creating their own art pieces. The program ended with a feast from a variety of foods popular in that decade...peanut butter cups, chow mein, C...

AmeriKKKa's Attack on the Black Community

After hearing about the Philando Castile verdict, and given the current state that the United States is in, I was confused. Is this what really had come too? How has the African-American community fallen so low, as to be BLATANTLY MURDERED ON-CAMERA , and the killer still walk away? Where has the fight gone!? Baffled and confused myself, I went deep into prayer. I wanted some answers and with no solid black leadership to turn to, there was only one source I could think of. God. Now, this entry may be a little longer than most, but there’s some things that need to be said. HIS response to my question …..???? Float with me on this. “Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.” The path to my answer sent me directly to my bible. Jesus was the subject, the cru...